Sea Pines Homeowners Association
Brewster, Massachusetts 02631



The most unpleasant and difficult task the FMB has as its function is to allocate and spend both the funds we have in reserve and funds we must raise either by maintenance fees and/or special assessment. Historically this is done during the fall budgeting process, however this year we have had to deal with the structural repair to 18 Friendship Lane. The cost of this repair is estimated to run in the $22,000 to $25,000 range. The FMB has voted to fund this repair by a special assessment. The exact amount will be determined upon completion. The obligation will become due on November 1, 1994. Each homeowner will have the option to pay in 1/3 installments 11/30/94, 2/28/95, and 6/30/95. Hopefully this will be the only problem of this type.

Treasurer, Bob Grogan, reported that except for the overage in the snow removal account we are on track in our 1994 budget. In the fall we will discuss the possibility of a prepayment discount of annual fees.

We received some good news from the insurance committee as the Traveler's has reconsidered and will offer us a renewal policy. The new rates along with the new deductibles will amount to a 35% increase in our policy premium. The committee will continue to investigate alternative companies.

Reasonable Rules: The FMB with input from homeowners will be looking at all our "Reasonable Rules". Some are archaic and some have to be reinforced. In reality, we all know what is reasonable and what is not. Any violation that impacts one or more of our neighbors is "UNREASONABLE". When I dive into the pool splashing or interfering with someone else swimming, I am violating a reasonable rule. When someone fails to clean up after their pet relieves itself, that is a violation of a reasonable rule. If a homeowner rents their unit without reporting it to the FMB e.g.: renting a unit for less than one month or more than once in a quarter, that affects everyone by lowering the property values at Sea Pines and that is a violation of a reasonable rule. Compliance is more effective than enforcement so everyone chip in and think about how what you are doing affects your neighbors.

The second annual Sea Pines Clam Bake will be on Saturday, August 20, at the clubhouse at 5:30pm. make your check for $30 per person payable to Tish Grogan and get it either to Tish or Len Freedman as soon as possible. Last year everyone attending had a great time so join all your friends on the 20th.

Co-chair Shirley Marden of the clubhouse committee reported that they now have $3000 from budget, donations, etc. New carpeting and venetian blinds have been installed in the library and exercise rooms, and new furniture for the foyer is on order.

July has been what summer is all about: hot, humid, and gorgeous. Like homes everywhere, Sea Pines has its share of problems but would you care to be anywhere else?

Our next FMB meeting will be on Saturday, August 27, 1994 at 8:30am in the clubhouse. I look forward to seeing you and hope only good news will be discussed.

Richard Rose, Chairman - FMB