August 19, 1996

Dear Neighbors:

My notes of the July FMB meeting contain the following items of interest:

Insurance - Through the efforts of Milt Powers and John Phelan, the Board has obtained a renewal of the Sea Pines multi-peril insurance policy with the Travelers at a minimal premium increase of 3% and with a reduction of the deductible for wind and water damage.

Mail - Many Sea Pines homeowners who receive their mail at the clubhouse have been seriously inconvenienced by our current letter carrier, who places mail in the wrong boxes with alarming frequency. Mercantile Property Management is pursuing this matter with the Brewster Postmaster. In the meanwhile, I urge all owners who do not use a Sea Pines mailing address to nevertheless check their boxes often. They may very likely contain important misdelivered mail for a neighbor.

Minutes of FMB Meetings - Minutes can be reviewed at the clubhouse bulletin board. In addition, owners interested in obtaining their own copy can do so by contacting Mercantile Property Management. Please keep in mind that minutes are not posted or available until approved by the Board at the subsequent meeting.

Reserve Study - Last spring the FMB commissioned. CDA Associates to prepare an analysis of reserve requirements. This report should be completed soon and on the Agenda for the August 31 meeting.

Beach Chairs - The beach chairs are taking over the storage shed down by the beach path. I believe the reason is that old chairs don't die, but just get pushed back to where it's too dark to see with sunglasses. I would be happy to consider any ideas you may have for reducing the clutter, or at least slowing the growth, that do not involve hiring a lawyer.

I note with regret the passing of Norton Hirsch and Hans Marum over the summer. On behalf of the FMB, I extend my sympathy to the families of these longtime Sea Pines residents.


Joe Herlihy