September 9, 1991

Dear Neighbors:

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Perhaps Mother Nature was upset at a hurricane being named Bob and decided we would have a real storm to contend with.

Contend we did! The storm came up and with Sea Pines being to the east and on the bay side, we experienced little rain, but had a gusty 75-100 MPH sea breeze. We lost nearly 220 trees on our complex, about 200 ft. of fencing and had very little structural damage (some chimney caps and shingles).

The roads were closed for a short while and the electricity was out for 2 1/2 days. However, the mammoth clean-up started immediately after the storm. It was striking to see how many Sea Pines residents got out and cleaned up their respective areas. This pitching in really helped the cleanup process. Everyone is to be commended!

The resulting tree debris has been converted to wood chips for later use. Bartlett Tree Co. cut the large diameter trees into 4 ft. lengths. Owners can carefully remove these and cut and split the wood for fireplace use. I have checked with 33 fireplace manufacturers and 2 arborists who all maintain that the wood, primarily honey locust can be seasoned and burned safely. This is in response to an owner remarking at the FMB meeting that one of the tree cutters said locust could not be safely used as firewood by itself. It would burn too hot. The contrary information seems believable, so I feel safe in saying that the wood can be used.

The bill for all of this is not certain at this time as there is an insurance component that may help defray costs. First guess on total cost is $15,000.

Just before Hurricane Bob, our reserve policy consultant, Charles Stuart, finished his 5-year reserving report. His summary noted that since 1986, the physical conditions and operations have greatly improved! He expected to find major issues in siding, beach erosion, septic, and landscaping. In his opinion, each is in better condition than in 1986. He attributes this to the quality of our managing agent and our full-time resident service personnel. The third component is the volunteer system of our various committees working towards common goals. These committees should feel gratified that their work is contributing to Sea Pines in a major way. Mr. Stuart is recommending that we keep our reserving the same over the next five years and is looking forward to working with us again in our 10th year.

Continuing in our maintenance mode, Mike Lubash has serviced all 37 septic systems and has reviewed if each has met standards relative to the amount of sludge left after pumping. Mike indicates several systems need work. This will be budgeted for next year.

The balance of the August 31 FMB meeting attended to other issues. The Board voted to keep tennis starting time at 8am. Signage will be put up stating the time. The back board was felled by Hurricane Bob and will be replaced with a less noisy version. The pool fence will be replaced the same way as the old one.

Board member Bob Leone asked that the chairman's newsletter and agenda contain more detail on upcoming items for Board consideration. An excellent suggestion!

In keeping with this, it is budget time again. I would like all committee chairpersons to submit a proposed budget for their respective areas by October 11, 1991. Send your budget to me:

James Fowler
NOVA Biomedical Corp.
200 Prospect St.
Waltham, MA 02254-9141
FAX (617)893-6998
I'll make sure Mercantile gets a copy, and we can review the preliminary figures at the October FMB meeting.

The final issue discussed was the pet ownership and pet rules. It was discovered that the Town of Brewster leash law and beach law do not apply to Sea Pines as it is private property. The Association must empower the various town functions to allow the dog warden to enforce leash laws and beach access. This empowerment will be considered at the September FMB meeting.

As a general consideration to all at Sea Pines, the rules governing dogs, cats, fish, birds, pet pigs, and snakes need to be reconsidered. Many owners have "illegal" animals. Until the Association can work out a reasonable set of guidelines, please leash your dog when walking and clean up after your pet.

Last meeting had an excellent attendance; I hope it will continue. See you in September.


Jim Fowler, Chairman FMB